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The Unseen Hand

Week 1: The Unseen Hand

In the heart of Lagos, Nigeria, Adaobi, a young woman with a vibrant spirit, faces a challenge that threatens the very fabric of her existence. The bustling city, usually a symphony of sounds and colours, now feels like a labyrinth of uncertainty. Each step she takes is heavy with the weight of her problem, a burden that seems too great to bear.
Adaobi has always found strength in her faith. It has been her refuge, her guiding light in moments of darkness. But now, faced with this seemingly impossible challenge, her faith is put to the test. She remembers the words of Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Clinging to these words, she finds a flicker of hope in her heart.
As Adaobi continues her daily life, minor, almost imperceptible signs begin to appear. A chance meeting with an old friend brings a job opportunity that perfectly aligns with her skills, providing a much-needed financial lifeline. A stranger’s kind words in a crowded market seemed to speak directly to her soul, echoing the encouragement she so desperately needed.
Each of these events, while small, weaves a pattern of divine intervention in Adaobi’s life. She starts to see that these are not mere coincidences but the workings of a loving God, orchestrating events for her good. It reminds her of Proverbs 16:9, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
As the story of Adaobi unfolds, the audience is drawn into a journey of faith and wonder. Her experiences become a living testimony to the power of prayer and the mysterious ways God works in our lives. Through her eyes, we see that even in the depths of despair, we are not abandoned. God’s hand, though unseen, is always at work, moulding our circumstances and turning our trials into triumphs.
Adaobi’s journey is a beacon of hope, an illustration of how faith can illuminate even the darkest paths. Her story is an invitation to trust in the unseen hand of God, to believe that even when we cannot see the way, He is leading us towards a brighter future.
For the full story of Adaobi’s journey and to witness the extraordinary ways in which God moves in our lives, we invite you to engage with her story. Comment below, share this post, and join us as we explore the mysteries of “The Unseen Hand”. Discover how faith can move mountains and reveal the light in the midst of darkness.

Revd Sam Adeyemi


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